Madame Ida poster

Madame Ida

Description: Set in the early 1950s, the narrative follows 15-year-old Cecilia, an orphan who becomes pregnant due to an assault by the orphanage warden. To conceal the pregnancy, she is sent to live with Ida, a woman desperate to adopt, residing in an isolated mansion with her lifelong maid, Alma. During her stay, a unique bond forms among the three women, offering solace from their individual loneliness and desires. However, the arrival of the baby disrupts their harmonious existence, leading to unforeseen challenges.

Genres: Drama


Budget: $0 | Revenue : $0

Runtime: 115 minutes

Series Credit

Flora Ofelia Hofmann Lindahl

Played Cecilia

Series Credit

Christine Albeck Børge

Played Ida

Series Credit

Karen-Lise Mynster

Played Alma

Series Credit

Sarah Boberg

Played Elise

Series Credit

Anders Mossling

Played Johannes

Series Credit

Klaus Bondam

Played Harald

Series Credit

Nanna Schaumburg-Müller

Played Edith

Series Credit

Stig Rossen

Played Håkon

Series Credit

Nanna Finding Koppel

Played Sally

Series Credit

Mikkel Arndt

Played Arthur


