Was There Karotin? | А был ли Каротин?
The beginning of the 30s of the last century. A leak of classified information was found at the Soviet shipbuilding plant. Arriving under the guise of a scientist, the legendary chekist Karotin begins to unravel the threads of the conspiracy of the fascist spy organization. He is helped by inexperienced but active local detectives. Mastering the basics of the counterintelligence, they fall into a situation the other one funnier.
Description: The beginning of the 30s of the last century. A leak of classified information was found at the Soviet shipbuilding plant. Arriving under the guise of a scientist, the legendary chekist Karotin begins to unravel the threads of the conspiracy of the fascist spy organization. He is helped by inexperienced but active local detectives. Mastering the basics of the counterintelligence, they fall into a situation the other one funnier.
Genres: Comedy, Crime, Mystery
Budget: $0 | Revenue : $0
Runtime: 161 minutes

And in the Morning They Woke Up

And Where Do We Go from Here?

Have You Ever Loved?


Riceboy Sleeps

Cats in the Museum

Reign of Chaos




Boris Sokolov
Played Каротин

Vasiliy Mishchenko
Played Цыба

Yuriy Popovich
Played Лёва Поначевный

Ivan Bortnik
Played Лисюк

Lyudmila Gurchenko
Played Курнатова-Борджиа

Igor Kvasha
Played Микитов-Разумник

Elena Mayorova
Played Антонина Барс

Lyubov Malinovskaya
Played Ксения Степановна Воробей

Olga Ippolitova
Played Наташа Чижик

Igor Dmitriev
Played Грюневальд

Ernst Romanov
Played Шевцов

Olesya Malakhova
Played Лидия Антоновна Вельская

Valentin Nikulin
Played Сгибнев

Sergey Garmash
Played Свидерский

Yuri Lazarev
Played Штурм

Mikhail Urzhumtsev
Played Георгий Верман

Viktor Rakov
Played Фридрих Верман

Roman Vildan
Played Густав Верман

Janis Streics
Played Рудольф Петрович

Aleksey Selivyorstov
Played Гедройцер

Ivan Ryzhov
Played Иоанн Городский

Georgiy Teykh
Played Пфальц

Semyon Krupnik
Played портье

Elena Bushueva
Played Люся

Anum Dorhuso Adotei
Played Арчи

Rasmi Dzhabrailov
Played Макгрегори

Larisa Polyakova
Played Козлинская

Galina Semyonova
Played Ариадна

Aleksandr Vokach
Played Лапа-Стриженовский

Vladimir Sichkar
Played Сысой Гугняев

Igor Dobryakov
Played фотограф

Sergei Sibel
Played Мартын Козуля

Galina Petrova
Played Анна Штурм

Evgeny Danchevsky
Played официант

Tamara Muzhenko
Played соседка Курнатовой-Борджиа

Yuri Rychkov
Played официант

Valentin Bryleev
Played чиновник

Irina Ozhekhovskaya-Peskova

Svetlana Zhgun
Played жена Гедройцера

Vladimir Borisov
Played горожанин

Iosif Krapman

Aleksandr Pyatkov
Played таможенник

Valentina Tyo
Played японка

Gali Abaydulov

Anatoliy Shlaustas

Stanislav Sokolov
Played официант/ассистент режиссёра

Lyudmila Velikaya
Played ассистентка режиссёра

Sergey Zinchenko
G. Shevyrin
V. Glotov

Valeriy Poddubnyy

Aleksandr Massarskiy

Lyubov Omelchenko
Played Фрося с баяном

Irina Ditts
Played иностранка

Vadim Vilskiy
Played гость на приёме

Liliya Gurova
Played милиционерша

Natalya Kovalyova
Played девушка в комната смеха

Georgiy Chervinskiy

Igor Cheremovskiy
Played кинооператор

Vladimir Zimin
Played человек в музее

