This brisk comedy of errors, penned by two-time onscreen lovers Paloma Baeza and Cillian Murphy, stakes out multiple perspectives on a series of bumbling petty crimes. Late in the evening, friends Phil (Cillian Murphy) and Ray (Barry Ward) look out of their window as two unidentified men hid from the police outside the door of a neighboring house. They cannot resist the temptation to find out what they are hiding...
Description: This brisk comedy of errors, penned by two-time onscreen lovers Paloma Baeza and Cillian Murphy, stakes out multiple perspectives on a series of bumbling petty crimes. Late in the evening, friends Phil (Cillian Murphy) and Ray (Barry Ward) look out of their window as two unidentified men hid from the police outside the door of a neighboring house. They cannot resist the temptation to find out what they are hiding...
Genres: Comedy, Crime
Budget: $0 | Revenue : $0
Runtime: 11 minutes
On the Edge
The Sea
Station Six-Sahara
Naruto Shippuden: Sunny Side Battle
Chunin Exam on Fire! and Naruto vs. Konohamaru!
'G' Men
Scooby-Doo! and the Gourmet Ghost
Cillian Murphy
Played Phil
Barry Ward
Played Ray
Jake Wood
Played Tony
Iain Robertson
Played Gerry
Con O'Neill
Played Burglar
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