Slaves in Their Bonds | Σκλάβοι Στα Δεσμά Τους
Genteel aristocrats and the terrible impasse erect in front of them their debts, forbidden loves and marriages interests, passions and conflicts.
Description: Genteel aristocrats and the terrible impasse erect in front of them their debts, forbidden loves and marriages interests, passions and conflicts.
Genres: Drama
Budget: $0 | Revenue : $0
Runtime: 127 minutes

Tom & Jerry

The Shawshank Redemption



Black Swan

Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade


Full Metal Jacket

Back to the Future

Furiosa: A Mad Max Saga

Giannis Fertis
Played Κόντες Αλέξανδρος Οφιομάχος

Dimitra Matsouka
Played Αιμιλία Βαλσάμη

Akis Sakellariou
Played Αριστείδης Στεριώτης

Christos Loulis
Played Γιώργης Οφιομάχος

Eirini Inglesi
Played Maria Ofiomahou

Konstandinos Papachronis
Played Alkis Sozomenos

Rinio Kyriazi
Played Evlalia Ofiomahou

Lena Papaligoura
Played Louiza Ofiomahou


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