This story explores the inner world of a rebel who belongs to an ultra-leftist underground outfit that is battling the government forces. Seriously injured during an ambush, he hides out in a village, his fate dependent on the mercy of the villagers. They believe he is to blame for the death of the innocent native girl killed during the ambush. Left alone with his disturbing thoughts, he will have to dependent on the kindness of strangers, loyalty of his comrades and sheer will power to survive.
Description: This story explores the inner world of a rebel who belongs to an ultra-leftist underground outfit that is battling the government forces. Seriously injured during an ambush, he hides out in a village, his fate dependent on the mercy of the villagers. They believe he is to blame for the death of the innocent native girl killed during the ambush. Left alone with his disturbing thoughts, he will have to dependent on the kindness of strangers, loyalty of his comrades and sheer will power to survive.
Genres: History
Budget: $0 | Revenue : $0
Runtime: 138 minutes
Seto Bagh
WSU Secret Show
Bye Bye America
El chile te sampo
Esencia de verbena
I Do Air
Radúz a Mahulena
Prelude to a Nap
Shinnin Onna Kyoshi
69 - Praça da Luz
Dayahang Rai
Played Ganga Bahadur Lama
Sudam Ck
Ram Babu Gurung
Rajan Khatiwada
Kamal Mani Nepal
Maniram Pokhrel
Buddhi Tamang
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