Deep in the underbelly of New York City, a five year-old girl and her mother live among a community that has claimed the abandoned subway tunnels as their home. After a sudden police-mandated eviction, the pair are forced to flee aboveground into a brutal winter night. Determined to return home, they fight to find shelter as their world is thrown into chaos.
Description: Deep in the underbelly of New York City, a five year-old girl and her mother live among a community that has claimed the abandoned subway tunnels as their home. After a sudden police-mandated eviction, the pair are forced to flee aboveground into a brutal winter night. Determined to return home, they fight to find shelter as their world is thrown into chaos.
Genres: Drama
Budget: $0 | Revenue : $0
Runtime: 85 minutes
Every Breath You Take
The Wedding Fix
50 or Two Whales Meet at the Beach
The Perfect Dinner
Dracula 2000
Yaksha: Ruthless Operations
Infinite Storm
Stonehearst Asylum
Celine Held
Played Nikki
Zhalia Farmer
Played Little
Played John
Jared Abrahamson
Played Les
Gino Vento
Played Mac
Tonye Patano
Played Violet
Lorrie Odom
Played Attendant
Cynthia Tombros
Played Lolly
Hector Falcon
Played Faker
Cem Aksoy
Played Turtle
Kevin Tanski
Played Policeman
Liz Cameron
Played Patron
Tavante Conyers
Played Tunnel Dweller
Christopher Fortin
Played Sanatation Worker
Evan Louison
Played Ray
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