"Tyler" is a comedic short film about a very intelligent 9-year-old, who tells his brother about his new crush. Funny, captivating and heartwarming, "Tyler" is another delicious movie with a very powerful and relevant message for the generations to come.
Description: "Tyler" is a comedic short film about a very intelligent 9-year-old, who tells his brother about his new crush. Funny, captivating and heartwarming, "Tyler" is another delicious movie with a very powerful and relevant message for the generations to come.
Genres: Comedy
Budget: $0 | Revenue : $0
Runtime: 16 minutes
A Handshake
The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey
The Grand Budapest Hotel
Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire
Don't Look Up
The Dark Knight
27 Dresses
E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial
Caden Andrews
Played Tyler
Teon Kelley
Played Daniel
Sarah Bellini
Played Emily
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