D.N. Nagar Police are summoned to a Chawl where they arrest Abhay Chawla, who was recently discharged from jail after serving a two-year sentence for running over a man. While being held in the prison cell, Abhay reflects on his life - his acrimonious relationship with his mom, Aarati; brother Rohan; and Bhabi Priya. Not only did they never visit him in prison but they also moved without informing him. Upon being dramatically re-united, Rohan permits him to live with them and even hires him in his garage. Abhay brings a wheelchair-bound physically challenged woman, Sonal Mahajan, to a family gathering, and Rohan asks both to leave. But nothing will prepare the Chawla family for the shock when they will be told that Abhay has been arrested again - this time for Sexual Molestation. Written by rAjOo (
Description: D.N. Nagar Police are summoned to a Chawl where they arrest Abhay Chawla, who was recently discharged from jail after serving a two-year sentence for running over a man. While being held in the prison cell, Abhay reflects on his life - his acrimonious relationship with his mom, Aarati; brother Rohan; and Bhabi Priya. Not only did they never visit him in prison but they also moved without informing him. Upon being dramatically re-united, Rohan permits him to live with them and even hires him in his garage. Abhay brings a wheelchair-bound physically challenged woman, Sonal Mahajan, to a family gathering, and Rohan asks both to leave. But nothing will prepare the Chawla family for the shock when they will be told that Abhay has been arrested again - this time for Sexual Molestation. Written by rAjOo (
Genres: Drama, Romance
Budget: $0 | Revenue : $0
Runtime: 118 minutes
A Man Apart
Back to the Future
Maze Runner: The Scorch Trials
The Shawshank Redemption
Warm Bodies
Inside Out
Nilesh Sahay
Played Abhay
Manoj Joshi
Played Rohan
Paresh Ganatra
Played Man at Bus Stop
Aruna Irani
Played Aarati
Madalasa Sharma
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